Source code for schemalite.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
from datetime import date, datetime
import dateutil
from toolspy import is_int, is_number
from decimal import Decimal
import six

[docs]def instance_of(item, type_): """This method is an enhanced version of isinstance It can handle cases where a number like string is meant to be treated as a number or where a datetime like string is meant to be treated as a datetime """ if type_ == datetime: if isinstance(item, datetime): return True elif isinstance(item, str) or isinstance(item, six.text_type): return isinstance(dateutil.parser.parse(item), datetime) else: return False elif type_ == date: if isinstance(item, date): return True elif isinstance(item, str) or isinstance(item, six.text_type): return isinstance(dateutil.parser.parse(item), datetime) else: return False elif type_ == int: if isinstance(item, int): return True else: return is_int(item) elif type_ == float: return isinstance(item, float) or is_number(item) elif type_ == Decimal: return isinstance(item, Decimal) or is_number(item) else: return isinstance(item, type_)
[docs]def validate_schema(schema): conditions = [ isinstance(schema, dict), ] fields_dict_schema = { "validators": [], "allow_unknown_fields": True, } schema_of_schema = { "fields": { "fields": { "required": False, "type": dict, "dict_schema": fields_dict_schema }, "validators": { "type": list, "list_item_type": callable, "required": False }, "polymorphic_on": { "required": False } }, "validators": [], "wildcard_field_validators": [] }
[docs]def validate_dict( dictionary, schema, allow_unknown_fields=None, allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped=None, polymorphic_identity=None, context=None, parent_contexts=None, siblings_list=None, curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list=None, schemas_registry=None): """The main method to be used to validate a dictionary against a schema This method accepts the dictionary to be validated as the first argument and validates it against the schema which is passed as the second argument Parameters ----------- dictionary: dict The dict object which is to be validated schema: dict The schema against which the validation has to be done. allow_unknown_fields: bool If this is set to True, the validator will allow the dictionary to have fields which are not specified in the schema. The validation will be done only on those fields whose behavior is specified by the schema. The rest would be ignored. allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped: bool Sometimes even if a field is marked as required, it might become necessary to skip that check when the validator is called in certain contexts (Consider POST vs PUT for example. A field might be required for the POST request, but might be optional for the PUT request. If you are re-using the same validation logic for both, it will be convenient if you can allow the PUT request to allow the required fields to be skipped) Returns -------- validation_status: bool A boolean flag which says if the validation succeeded or failed validation_errors: dict or str or None The errors if any, outputted as a string or a dict based on the schema """ is_valid = True errors = None if not isinstance(dictionary, dict): return (False, {'TYPE_ERROR': "Object is not a dict"}) if allow_unknown_fields is None: allow_unknown_fields = schema.get('allow_unknown_fields', False) if allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped is None: allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped = schema.get( 'allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped', False) fields = schema.get("fields") schema_validators = schema.get("validators", []) if fields: polymorphic_field = schema.get('polymorphic_on') if polymorphic_field: if polymorphic_identity is None: polymorphic_identity = dictionary.get(polymorphic_field) if polymorphic_identity: additional_schema_for_polymorph = schema.get( "additional_schema_for_polymorphs", {}).get(polymorphic_identity, {}) for k, v in additional_schema_for_polymorph.get("fields", {}).items(): fields[k] = v schema_validators += additional_schema_for_polymorph.get( "validators", []) if not allow_unknown_fields: for k in dictionary.keys(): if k not in list(fields.keys()): if errors is None: errors = {} is_valid = False if 'UNKNOWN_FIELDS' not in errors: errors['UNKNOWN_FIELDS'] = [] errors['UNKNOWN_FIELDS'].append(k) for field_name, field_props in fields.items(): field_errors = {} field_is_valid = True if field_name not in dictionary: if allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped: continue else: required = field_props.get('required', False) if callable(required): error_message = required.desc or required.__name__ required = required( dictionary, schema=schema, context=context, parent_contexts=parent_contexts, siblings_list=siblings_list, curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list=curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list) else: error_message = '%s is a required field' % field_name if required: is_valid = False field_is_valid = False if errors is None: errors = {} if 'MISSING_FIELDS' not in errors: errors['MISSING_FIELDS'] = [] errors['MISSING_FIELDS'].append(field_name) field_errors['MISSING_FIELD_ERROR'] = error_message else: allowed = field_props.get("allowed", True) if callable(allowed): error_message = allowed.desc or allowed.__name__ allowed = allowed( dictionary, schema=schema, context=context, parent_contexts=parent_contexts, siblings_list=siblings_list, curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list=curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list) else: error_message = '%s is not an allowed field' % field_name if allowed == False: is_valid = False field_is_valid = False field_errors['FIELD_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR'] = error_message else: field_type = field_props.get('type') if field_type is not None: if type(field_type) == type: if field_type == dict: is_mapped_collection = field_props.get( 'is_mapped_collection') dict_schema = field_props.get('dict_schema') if is_mapped_collection: pass else: if dict_schema is None: rel_schema_cls_name = field_props.get( 'is_a_relation_to') if rel_schema_cls_name and schemas_registry: dict_schema = schemas_registry.get( rel_schema_cls_name) if dict_schema: if isinstance(parent_contexts, list): _parent_contexts = parent_contexts[:] _parent_contexts.append(context) else: _parent_contexts = [context] validation_result, validation_errors = validate_dict( dictionary[field_name], schema=dict_schema, allow_unknown_fields=allow_unknown_fields, allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped=allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped, parent_contexts=_parent_contexts) if not validation_result: field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECT'] = validation_errors field_is_valid = field_is_valid and validation_result is_valid = is_valid and validation_result elif field_type == list: list_item_type = field_props.get( 'list_item_type') field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'] = [ ] if dictionary[field_name] is not None: if type(list_item_type) == type: if list_item_type == dict: list_item_schema = field_props.get( 'list_item_schema') if list_item_schema is None: rel_schema_cls_name = field_props.get( 'is_a_relation_to') if rel_schema_cls_name is not None and schemas_registry is not None: list_item_schema = schemas_registry.get( rel_schema_cls_name.__name__) if list_item_schema: if isinstance(parent_contexts, list): _parent_contexts = parent_contexts[:] _parent_contexts.append( context) else: _parent_contexts = [ context] validation_result, validation_errors = validate_list_of_dicts( dictionary[field_name], list_item_schema, allow_unknown_fields=allow_unknown_fields, allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped=allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped, parent_contexts=_parent_contexts) if not validation_result: field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'] = validation_errors field_is_valid = field_is_valid and validation_result is_valid = is_valid and validation_result else: for item in dictionary[field_name]: if not instance_of(item, list_item_type): field_is_valid = False is_valid = False field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'].append( {"TYPE_ERROR": "Item should be of type {0}".format(list_item_type.__name__)}) else: field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'].append( None) elif type(list_item_type) == tuple: for item in dictionary[field_name]: if not any(instance_of(item, t) for t in list_item_type): field_is_valid = False is_valid = False field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'].append( {"TYPE_ERROR": "Item should be of type {0}".format( "/".join([t.__name__ for t in list_item_type]))}) else: field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'].append( None) if 'permitted_values_for_list_items' in field_props: for idx, item in enumerate(dictionary[field_name]): if item not in field_props['permitted_values_for_list_items']: if field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'][idx] is None: field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'][idx] = { } field_errors['VALIDATION_ERRORS_FOR_OBJECTS_IN_LIST'][idx]['PERMITTED_VALUES_ERROR'] = "Field data can be one of the following only: {0}".format( "/".join([str(v) for v in field_props['permitted_values_for_list_items']])) field_is_valid = False is_valid = False elif not instance_of(dictionary[field_name], field_type): field_errors['TYPE_ERROR'] = "Field data should be of type {0}".format( field_type.__name__) field_is_valid = False is_valid = False elif type(field_type) == tuple: if not any(instance_of(dictionary[field_name], t) for t in field_type): field_errors['TYPE_ERROR'] = "Field data should be of type {0}".format( "/".join([t.__name__ for t in field_type])) field_is_valid = False is_valid = False if 'permitted_values' in field_props: if dictionary[field_name] not in field_props['permitted_values']: field_errors['PERMITTED_VALUES_ERROR'] = "Field data can be one of the following only: {0}".format( "/".join([v for v in field_props['permitted_values']])) field_is_valid = False is_valid = False for _validator in field_props.get('validators', []): if _validator is None: continue validation_result, validation_errors = _validator( dictionary[field_name], dictionary, schema=schema, context=context, parent_contexts=parent_contexts, siblings_list=siblings_list, curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list=curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list) if not validation_result: validator_name = _validator.desc.upper() or _validator.__name__.upper() validator_name = validator_name.replace(" ", "_") field_errors[validator_name] = validation_errors field_is_valid = field_is_valid and validation_result is_valid = is_valid and validation_result if not field_is_valid: if errors is None: errors = {} if 'FIELD_LEVEL_ERRORS' not in errors: errors['FIELD_LEVEL_ERRORS'] = {} errors['FIELD_LEVEL_ERRORS'][field_name] = field_errors for schema_validator in schema_validators: validation_result, validation_errors = schema_validator( dictionary, schema=schema, context=context, siblings_list=siblings_list, parent_contexts=parent_contexts, curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list=curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list) if validation_result is False: if errors is None: errors = {} if 'SCHEMA_LEVEL_ERRORS' not in errors: errors['SCHEMA_LEVEL_ERRORS'] = [] errors['SCHEMA_LEVEL_ERRORS'].append(validation_errors) is_valid = False return (is_valid, errors)
[docs]def validate_list_of_dicts( list_of_dicts, dict_schema, allow_unknown_fields=None, allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped=None, context=None, parent_contexts=None, schemas_registry=None): is_valid = True errors = [] if not isinstance(list_of_dicts, list): return (False, "Expected a list") for idx, dictionary in enumerate(list_of_dicts): dictionary_validity, dictionary_errors = validate_dict( dictionary, dict_schema, allow_unknown_fields=allow_unknown_fields, allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped=allow_required_fields_to_be_skipped, context=context, siblings_list=list_of_dicts, parent_contexts=parent_contexts, schemas_registry=schemas_registry, curr_obj_idx_in_siblings_list=idx) if dictionary_validity is False: errors.append(dictionary_errors) else: errors.append(None) is_valid = is_valid and dictionary_validity return (is_valid, errors)
[docs]def func_and_desc(func, desc): func.desc = desc return func
[docs]def json_encoder(obj): if callable(obj): if hasattr(obj, 'desc'): return obj.desc if obj.__name__ == '<lambda>': return "Nameless function" return obj.__name__ else: try: return json.JSONEncoder().default(obj) except: return six.text_type(obj)
[docs]def schema_to_json(schema): return json.dumps( schema, default=json_encoder)