Source code for schemalite.validators

from .core import func_and_desc

[docs]def is_a_type_of(*types): def validator(o, data, schema, context=None): if not any(isinstance(o, _type) for _type in types): return ( False, 'Object not of type {0}'.format( "/".join([_t.__name__ for _t in types])) ) return (True, None) return func_and_desc( validator, "Should be of type {0}".format("/".join([_t.__name__ for _t in types])))
[docs]def is_a_list_of_types_of(*types): def validator(olist, data, schema, context=None): valid = True if not isinstance(olist, list): return (False, "Not a list") errors = [] for o in olist: if any(isinstance(o, _type) for _type in types): valid = valid & True errors.append(None) else: valid = False errors.append( 'Object not of type {0}'.format( "/".join([_t.__name__ for _t in types])) ) return (valid, errors) return func_and_desc( validator, "Should be a list of objects of type {0}".format("/".join([_t.__name__ for _t in types])))